This privacy policy (or "privacy policy") is provided in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data and, in particular, pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196 / 2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data, the so-called "Privacy Code") with reference to the processing of personal data of visitors to the site https://triomantova.en/ The site is owned and managed by TriO Eventi S.S.D. A R.L. (for company data see par. 1). This privacy policy is provided only for this site and also for other domains, websites and landing pages owned by TriO Eventi S.S.D. A R.L. possibly consulted by the user through internal links and / or through web addresses directly consulted by the user and attributable to the ownership of the Amateur Sports Society. This information contains important information on the personal data that is collected by visiting this Website, as a registered or unregistered user, and describes how to use such data.


This document contains important information on the following:




For the purposes of this Privacy Policy and the data processing described here, it is specified that the term "TriO Eventi" refers to TriO Eventi S.S.D. A R.L. - VAT number 03826170981 - with registered office in Via Caduti dei Lager, 36 - 25015 Desenzano del (BS) - tel 030 8362318 -
The Company is the data controller (as defined in Reg. (EU) 2016/679) of the collected data.
For any comments or questions on this Privacy Policy and to speak with the local contact person in charge of managing requests relating to data processing, it is also possible to contact the Company's customer service at the email address and at number: 030 8362318.



Following the consultation of this site and the use of one or more services, data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons may be processed. Any personal data acquired, always in compliance with current legislation, will be processed only for the following purposes:
a) purposes strictly connected and instrumental to allow access and use of the site, its functions, the services requested and the services provided by the Company;
b) to fulfill obligations established by law and European legislation;
c) for operational and management needs within the Company and inherent to the services and / or products offered;
d) where expressly requested, to execute the newsletter service;
In case of explicit and optional expression of consent, the data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph a), will also be processed for direct marketing purposes by the Data Controller, in particular for sending information, commercial or advertising material relating to the services and / or products offered by the Company also by e-mail, sms, fax, other instant messaging tools and not even functioning on third-party platforms.
The data will be processed lawfully and fairly and used only for the purposes referred to in the preceding paragraphs. The processing will take place using tools suitable to guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data and can be carried out with paper tools and / or using automated and computerized tools designed to store, manage and transmit the data.



The provision of personal data is mandatory exclusively for the purposes referred to in art. 2, paragraph a), to allow the use of the site and the services connected and requested by the user, possibly after providing information for each additional service provided in the ways established by law. Your refusal will make it impossible to use these services. It will still be possible to consult the site without providing any personal data, but some features will not be available and some services cannot be provided.
The provision of data and the release of consent for the relative processing for the purposes referred to in art. 2, paragraph d), is optional: in the absence of explicit consent, these services will not be provided, but there are no other consequences. If you do not intend to provide your consent for these purposes, you can also use the site and services for the purposes referred to in art. 2, paragraph a). In other words, the consequences of any refusal to respond or to give consent are always explicit and are connected to each service rendered, for example, any refusal to the relative treatment may prevent the consultation of the site with all its functions (in the in the case of cookies), the receipt of the newsletter (in the case of the newsletter service) or the receipt of advertising material (in the case of art.2 paragraph d). Therefore, the user is informed in the manner appropriate to each specific case, but in any case he can consult the website also denying consent to the processing of personal data, where required: in this case, certain functions and features of the site could be disabled.



The treatments connected to the web services referred to on this site are carried out at the headquarters of the TriO Eventi in Via Caduti dei Lager, 36 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS) with the exception of explicit exceptions, and are only handled by the technical staff of the Company expressly in charge of the treatment. The hosting service of the site is provided by VAR-DUMP Srl, through a cloud server rented at the server farm of the Amazon provider (Amazon Web Services) located in the European Union, which guarantees to the Owner, as far as it is concerned, (in based on a specific contractual addendum), compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.



Depending on the service rendered, personal data of different types may be processed, as specified in this article.

5.1. Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the navigation of the websites. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interests: however, by their very nature they could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. These include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URL addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and the platform used by the user. The above data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning: they are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts do not persist for more than seven days. The retention of the access logs, kept directly on the servers that record the users' IP, are kept for 12 months. With regard to cookies, please refer to par. 5.4. following.

5.2.1. Data provided voluntarily by the user (communications)

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of communications by means of contact forms on the site or by e-mail to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the data communicated to the sender, including his e-mail address, and consent to receive any response messages to their requests.
The personal data provided in this way are used for the sole purpose of satisfying or responding to the requests sent and are communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose. Specific information prepared for particular services on request will be reported on the relevant pages of the site.

5.2.2. Data provided voluntarily by the user (to receive communications for marketing and / or commercial promotion purposes)

Each interested party can voluntarily provide their personal data to TriO Eventi in order to receive commercial or promotional communications, however named, with both digital and paper communications.
Only in the event that the e-mail coordinates are provided by the interested party in the context of the sale of a product or service, the e-mail address thus provided may be used for the direct sale of further similar products or services, to pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data, the so-called "Privacy Code"), without the need for express and prior consent. In any communication, however, the interested party is reminded that he can revoke the consent at any time and without formalities. The data are deleted at the request of the interested party.

5.3.1. Newsletter

The Company's newsletter is sent by e-mail to those who explicitly request it, by filling in the appropriate form on this site and thus authorizing the Company to process their personal data for the aforementioned purpose.
Consent: the provision of data requested for this purpose (e-mail and, possibly, selection of pre-established categories of areas of interest) is mandatory only to be able to receive the newsletter: refusal to provide them makes it impossible to use the newsletter service , but there are no other consequences.
Purpose: the personal data provided by users are used for the sole purpose of sending the newsletter and will not be disclosed to third parties.
Method: the data collected are processed with IT tools. Suitable security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
Cancellation from the service: to stop receiving the newsletter, simply select the cancellation link, present at the end of each e-mail, or send a request to the e-mail address The cancellation is managed in an automated way, so further newsletters could be received, the sending of which was planned before receiving the cancellation request, in any case within a maximum period of 72 hours.
It is not possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter sent only to participants as the organizer TriO Eventi uses the newsletter as a tool to communicate information of primary importance for participation in the race. This newsletter is sent only and exclusively to athletes registered in the current edition of TRIO SENIGALLIA.

5.4.1. Cookies

What are? Cookies are information stored by the browser when a website is visited with any suitable device (such as a PC, tablet or smartphone).
Each cookie contains different data (for example, the name of the server from which it comes, a numeric identifier, etc.), it can remain in the system for the duration of a session (until the browser is closed) or for long periods and can contain a unique identification code.
What are they for? Cookies are used for different purposes depending on their type: some are strictly necessary for the correct functionality of a website (technical cookies), while others optimize its performance to offer a better user experience or allow you to acquire statistics on the website. '' use of the site, such as analytics cookies or allow you to view personalized advertising, such as profiling cookies.
Consent? Any provision of the user's consent is stored by the Company, to the extent of its competence, through a technical cookie, with a duration of 12 months. The user is informed both through the brief information (banner displayed until consent is given or denied, as explained in paragraph 5.4.4. "How to disable cookies?") And through this extended information; furthermore, in paragraph 5.4.3. links to the privacy policies of third parties are indicated, also for the purpose of disabling them (where directly available through them).
How to disable them? it is possible to disable cookies both through the browser settings (par. 5.4.4. "How to disable cookies?") and through the mechanisms made available by some third parties (par. 5.4.3. "Cookies used on the site").

5.4.2. General types of cookies used on the site

Technical cookies (first part): they are essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site and to memorize the user's consent to the use of cookies.
Technical cookies (third party): they are essential for the correct functioning and display of the site and the photos contained therein, to indicate user authentication, to check whether the customer's browser accepts cookies or not, and to the use of the site by the administrator, through a third-party service.
Analytical cookies (third party): they are used for the purpose of aggregate analysis of visits to the site, through the use of a third party service.
Profiling cookies (third party): they are used to create profiles relating to the user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net, through the use of a third-party service .

5.4.3. Cookies used on the site

First-party cookies: only technical cookies are used for the correct functioning and visualization of the site and with the purpose of memorizing the user's consent to the use of cookies (duration: 12 months)
Third-party cookies: the site uses cookies provided by the third parties listed below together with the links to their respective privacy policies (also for their disabling):
Technical cookies: This site uses a technical cookie to memorize the choice of the navigation language ("cookie_lan"), for the time in which the user navigates the site. These technical cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. We also use a technical cookie ("displayCookieConsent") to store, for a period of 12 months, your consent to the use of cookies on this site. These cookies are installed directly from this site and since they are not used for purposes other than the functional ones described above, their installation does not require your consent.
Analytical cookies:
We use navigation cookies generated by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Analytical cookies are used to better understand how our users use the website, to optimize and improve the site, making it always interesting and relevant for users.
Google Analytics uses cookies to anonymously collect and analyze information on the usage behavior of the website (including the user's IP address). This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it in order to draw up reports accessible to operators or external operators in charge, concerning the activities of the website itself.
Google does not associate the IP address with any other data held by Google nor does it try to connect an IP address with the identity of a user. Google may also communicate this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google.
For more information on how Google uses cookies, consult its privacy policy.
Profiling cookies
For cookies resulting from sharing via social networks, please refer to each of them (because the cookies are related to the same)
Some of our pages use Facebook social buttons or widgets, which may set cookies on your computer.
For more information on how Facebook uses cookies, consult its privacy policy.
Some of our pages incorporate videos posted on YouTube, which may set cookies on your computer.
For more information on how YouTube uses cookies, consult its cookie policy.
For more information on how Google uses cookies, consult its privacy policy.

5.4.4. How to disable cookies?

Control via browser: commonly used browsers (eg Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) accept cookies by default, but this setting can be changed by the user at any time. This applies to both PCs and mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones: it is a generally and widely supported function. Therefore, cookies can easily be deactivated or disabled by accessing the options or preferences of the browser used and generally only third-party cookies can be blocked; in general, these options will only have effect for that browser and on that device, unless options are active to unify preferences on different devices. Specific instructions can be found on the options or help page of the browser itself. Disabling technical cookies, however, can affect the full and / or correct functioning of various sites, including this site.
As a rule, the browsers used today:
- they offer the “Do not track” option, which is supported by some websites (but not all). In this way, some websites may no longer collect certain navigation data;
- offer the option of anonymous or incognito browsing: in this way no data will be collected in the browser and the browsing history will not be saved, but the browsing data will still be acquired by the operator of the website visited;
- allow you to delete the cookies stored in whole or in part, but when you visit a website again they are usually installed where this possibility is not blocked.
The links to the support pages of the most popular browsers are indicated (with instructions on disabling cookies on these browsers):
Firefox: (
Internet Explorer: (
Safari: (
Chrome: (
Opera: (
Third-party cookies: third-party cookies can be disabled both in the manner described above and by referring to each third party (following the links indicated in the previous paragraph).
Online tools: it should be noted that from the site it is possible not only to acquire further information, but also to verify the installation of numerous cookies on your browser / device and, where supported, also of disable them.



The data provided will be kept for the time prescribed by the law and, in any case, for the time strictly necessary to follow up on the activities for which they were collected and / or until the consent given for the purposes referred to in the revocation. 'art. 2.
The personal data collected will in any case be kept no later than twenty-four months for the marketing purposes referred to in art. 2 paragraph d) (except for any changes and / or additions to the reference legislation on the protection of personal data that will be expressly communicated to you).



For the purposes referred to in art. 2, where necessary only with prior consent, the data may be disclosed to third parties whose collaboration TriO Eventi may and / or must make use of for the performance of these services offered. The data acquired via the web, or in any case deriving from web services, may be communicated to the technological and instrumental partners of which the Data Controller uses for the provision of the services requested by users / visitors, always in compliance with the purposes indicated in art. 2.
The data collected for the aforementioned purposes may also be disclosed to associated companies or companies belonging to the same corporate group as the Data Controller and to subjects authorized for this purpose by provisions of law and European legislation.
A list of subjects to whom the Data Controller communicates the personal data collected for the aforementioned purposes is available to interested parties at the Data Controller itself and can be obtained upon written request sent to the Data Controller.



The interested party is the natural person, identified or identifiable, to whom the personal data being processed refer.
We inform you that, as an interested party, you have the right to access at any time the data concerning you processed by the Data Controller (right of access) in order to verify its correctness and to verify the lawfulness of the processing carried out. It can also exercise all the rights recognized by the current national and European legislation on the protection of personal data (by Legislative Decree 196/2003 and by EU Reg. No. 2016/679 and subsequent amendments and additions): in particular, it can request at any time the correction and updating of incorrect or inaccurate data, the limitation of the processing carried out and the cancellation of the same (right to be forgotten), as well as to propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.
With reference to personal data processed by automated means, you are finally granted the right to receive the data concerning you in a structured and commonly used format and to transmit them, if necessary, to another data controller (right to data portability).
To allow TriO Eventi to better serve the user, the user is invited to regularly check and update their personal data. If registered, the user will be able to access their personal data and modify them using the user account settings on the Website; otherwise, you can contact TriO Eventi (, via Caduti dei Lager, 36 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS)) to receive assistance in updating your personal data.
Any request regarding the processing of personal data and any communication relating to the exercise of one's rights can be addressed to the Data Controller using the appropriate "Contact" form on the site or by sending a communication via e-mail: or, by post, to TriO Eventi - Via Caduti dei Lager, 36 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS)



Each interested party is also recognized the right to revoke the consent given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out by the owner before such revocation.
The interested party is also always granted the possibility of opposing the processing of data concerning him if it is carried out for direct marketing purposes pursuant to art. 2, paragraph d; in this case his data will no longer be processed for these purposes (right to object).



This Website is aimed at a general public, however its services are intended for individuals aged 18 and over. TriO Eventi does not request, collect, use and deliberately disclose personal data provided by persons under the age of 18. If TriO Eventi learns that it has personally collected data from a minor, it will delete them.
In the event that the user is not of the required age, please do not register and ask an adult (or your parents or guardian) to perform the necessary procedures.
It should be noted that pursuant to art. 8 of the European Regulation, if Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) applies, as regards the direct offer of information services to minors, the processing of the minor's personal data is lawful where the minor is at least 16 years.



TriO Eventi has implemented suitable measures to protect the user's personal data from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure. In the management of this Website, password controls, firewall technology and other technological and procedure-based security measures are used. Although TriO Eventi has implemented the aforementioned security measures for the Website, the user must know that it is not possible to guarantee 100% security. Therefore, the user provides his personal data at his own risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by current law, TriO Eventi will not be in any way responsible for their disclosure due to errors, omissions or unauthorized actions of third parties during or after their transmission to the same. TriO Eventi recommends that the user periodically update the software to protect the transmission of data over the networks (for example, antivirus software) and check that the provider of electronic communications services has adopted suitable means for the security of data transmission over the networks. (for example, firewalls and spam filters); keep confidential and do not communicate the username and password to anyone to access the account; and change your password periodically.
In the unlikely event that TriO Eventi deems that the security of the user's personal data in its possession or under its control has been or may have been compromised, it will inform the user of the incident in the manner provided for by the law in force. , using the methods prescribed by it (by providing TriO Eventi with your email address, the user agrees to receive such communications in electronic format through this email address).



TriO Eventi, at its discretion, reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete parts of this Privacy Policy at any time, by publishing the revised version on this page of the Website. It is the user's responsibility to review from time to time the Privacy Policy to take note of any changes made. In some cases, TriO Eventi may provide further communications relating to significant changes to this Privacy Policy by publishing a notice on the home page of this Website or, in the case of registered users, by sending a notification email or by inserting a notice on the page of the their account. By accepting this revised Privacy Policy by clicking on the "accept" button in this notification email or in the communication published on the account page (where required to comply with current regulations), using or sending information to the Website after the publication of the Revised Privacy Policy, you agree to this revised Privacy Policy. Following the changes where required by current legislation, the user's data will not be processed without the explicit consent of the user.


Privacy Policy - TriO Eventi S.S.D. A R.L. - Ver 01-2022