Competitive event
- 40 €: for registrations within May 22th (buoy included)
- 45 €: for registrations from May 23th to June 22th (buoy included)
- 51 €: for registrations from June 23th to July 25th (buoy included)
- 57 €: for registrations from July 26th to August 27th (buoy included)
+ € 3.00 cost of the annual ACSI membership card only for NON-LICENSED athletes
Registrations close at 12:00 am on June 28th 2024.
MINORS: underage participants who intend to run the 3.200 m distance (from 14 years onwards) must ben Italian licensed athletes and present the appropriate written authorization signed by the parent.
DOWNLOAD HERE the authorization and send it to info@trioevents.it